
FraudForce on Carthage

To enable you to use Carthage to add our SDK framework to your iOS projects, we have provided a binary project specification. Please note that we do not provide support for third-party tools such as Carthage; we recommend investigating any issues with the Carthage user community.


binary "" >= 5.2.0


  1. carthage update can return an error. This is a false failure, and it has been reported in the Carthage GitHub repo (issue 2514).
    • Error message, A shell task (… dwarfdump …) failed with exit code 1
  2. Following the Carthage integration instructions (both the Quick Start and Adding frameworks to an application) produces a build failure in Xcode. Removing FraudForce.framework from the “Embed Frameworks” build phase fixes the error (since the Carthage-recommended Run Script phase does the same job).